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We haven�t been upgrading daily because we have tests to study for I made couple today so please come back!!!
For those taht haven�t noticed yet there is a guestbook now so please sign it.(Only once). I would like to know what the people that don�t belong to the outsiders think about this page.
"There are two types of humans on this earth those that walk and those that fly, the diffrence between them is that the ones that fly can come down and talk to the ones that walk, but the ones that walk can not go up and talk to the ones that fly..."-dark prince
"We are, who we are, and we will always stay the same. The good life is expensive, there�s another that�s cheapper, but that�s not life!!!" -andrew.
Guestbook. (Sign it so
I�ll know who�s been here)
Hello to....
Paco, Junior, Zuniga, Eric, Antonio, Chono, Pollo, Pompy, Jaime, Wolf, Alvaro Pino, Matthew Reeves, Oscar, Maria, Biggie, Luis, Juan Carlos, Ace, Morbid, Chubi, Maximiliano, Sebastian Fernandez, Gaston, Pompy,Uncle Luis, Marisol,Guillermo....